[Engraving Tools]  

"Watching the DVDs and practicing in my studio, I learned how to engrave far better than I had ever hoped!"

— satisfied customer

Heinar Tamme spent more than fifty years perfecting the craft of engraving.  The finest European-style engraver in the United States, he was called upon to create gifts for Pope John Paul II, the Miss America Pageant, numerous organizational awards, and countless fortunate high school graduates, newlyweds, newborns, and honorees.

Heinar Tamme determined to preserve the profession and provide for the professional instruction of future generations of hand engravers.  As there are no schools dedicated to the craft, Mr. Tamme decided to create a series of instructional videos covering the various aspects of the engraver's art: jewelry, crests and seals, fine printmaking, firearm, relief, medallion dies, signature facsimile, glass engraving, etc.   This series allows those interested in the profession to acquire a comprehensive engraving education under the instruction of a European-trained Master Engraver. Newly transferred to DVD, these tutorials are now widely available.  The information on these DVDs is invaluable -- there is no other way to gain so much knowledge, so quickly.  

Everyone can benefit from these DVDs, even experienced machine engravers!  Mr. Tamme's lesson Combined Hand and Machine Engraving enables machine engravers to increase their revenue and customer satisfaction by enhancing the limited quality of machine engraving with the use of hand-engraving techniques taught in this lesson.

Impress your friends with amazing gifts.  Impress your wallet with the increased revenue engraving skills can bring.  Indeed, Master Engraving skills can help your business in so many ways!


Copyright © 2003-2017 by JNB Studio, All Rights Reserved. Engraving Master Series.